Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Tattoos and Threes Flow and Rivers Report

Greetings from Headquarters where the Ones are in their third day of fishing amid a massive rainstorm that has beset most of Western Montana. That notwithstanding, after spending two days fishing the Mo with great success, the Ones are fishing local waters today (as in no more bussing) and, pleasantly, that will be the case for each of Group Two and Three: NO BUSSING TO FISH THE MISSOURI RIVER!!

Take a look at the dive in the flowage along Rock Creek (997 cfs this morning) which attributes to this conclusion (although the rain we are currently getting will bump that flow substantially and get downstream a good portion of the snowpack that is still hanging around from this year's winter season). What will be our future weather, you ask?? Well, you can toggle over to Der Blog and get an insight what may be instore for via the weather link on our site--things look great right now for the Tattoos, btw, but it is a bit early to make that call for you Threes.

In any event, ALL E-17 remaining fishing days of both Group Two and Group Three will be spent on our local rivers (which are still shaping up btw and should be in great shape come next Sunday for the Tattoos' first day on the water)!

Bueno, bueno, bueno from the scene of it all--for further updates go directly to Der Blog as I have burdened your emails sufficiently with all of our preliminary work up...

Best to all on Group One's last day of fishing,


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